There are two templates below for Professional Bodies (PBs):

The PB must complete the first template if a qualification needs to be mandated in an apprenticeship to meet their professional recognition requirements.

  • for new apprenticeships, they should send a completed template to the trailblazer in time for the trailblazer to submit it to IfATE with its occupation proposal
  • where an apprenticeship is being revised, the PB should send the completed template to the trailblazer at an early stage during the revision of the occupational standard. The trailblazer will send it to IfATE as part of their evidence in support of mandating the qualification

The PB must complete the second template to confirm that the final draft of a new or revised apprenticeship aligns with their professional recognition requirements. We need this whether or not a qualification is being mandated. The PB should send the completed template to the trailblazer in time for the trailblazer to submit it to us with its draft occupational standard and EPA plan.

The PB can paste the completed template into an email as long as it contains all the required information, including the details relating to the individual and organisation listed at the end of each template.

Template 1:

Confirmation by a professional body that a mandated qualification is needed for the apprenticeship to align with its professional recognition requirements

To the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education[Insert name of Professional Body] confirms that we are working with the trailblazer group to develop/revise the [name of apprenticeship standard] to align the apprenticeship with our professional standards for recognition.As part of this alignment, we confirm that the qualification detailed below [adjust if more than one qualification is required or if there are multiple equivalent qualifications that are acceptable] is an absolute requirement for professional recognition by our organisation at [insert level of membership].[As part of this confirmation please include an explanation of the benefits of the qualification. Explain why it adds value that cannot be achieved through the apprenticeship alone].[Insert the details below for each qualification. Indicate whether an apprentice needs to pass them all or they are equivalent qualifications with just one required]:Qualification titleQualification levelAwarding body (AB)Total qualification time (TQT)Guided learning hours (GLH)Whether the qualification is Ofqual registeredQualification number (if Ofqual registered)Sector subject area (SSA) (if Ofqual registered)I also confirm that we will continue to work with the trailblazer group to develop the apprenticeship to make sure it aligns with the professional body’s standards for recognition. We will also work with IfATE and the trailblazer group if requirements change after the apprenticeship is approved for delivery.[Name of the individual confirming alignment, their company position and contact details, name and address of the PB]


Template 2:

Confirmation by a professional body that the draft apprenticeship aligns with its professional recognition requirements

To the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education[Insert name of Professional Body] confirms that we have worked with the trailblazer group to develop/revise the [insert name of apprenticeship standard] to align the apprenticeship with our professional standards for recognition.Based on the duties and knowledge, skills and behaviours required for full occupational competence as set out in the occupational standard, we confirm that an apprentice that successfully completes the apprenticeship would be eligible for recognition at [insert level of membership] of our organisation [or aligns as far as is practical].[If relevant]We also confirm that we are the only organisation able to award professional status for [insert name of occupation]. Please see the supporting evidence attached including evidence demonstrating Chartered Status.[Name of the individual confirming alignment, their company position and contact details, name and address of the PB]