Revisions and adjustments status report - September 2024

This report:

  • shows apprenticeships that are being revised, adjusted or retired
  • provides a brief overview of the revisions and adjustments planned for each apprenticeship
  • states the current estimated completion date of the change, although this may end up needing to be updated in some cases

What used to be defined as “revisions”, now includes both revisions and minor changes known as “adjustments”. These change categories are defined in our “Change Requests” guidance.  

The report also provides an opportunity to input views on a suitable notice period between a “revised” new version of an apprenticeship being available for information and it replacing the previous version for new starts. This can be done via the relevant IfATE product manager listed against the apprenticeship in the report.

New cases added since the previous edition of the report are in yellow. An apprenticeship that was listed on the last report might no longer appear in the most recent version. This is normally because the revised or adjusted version is now live. If so, this will be reflected on the webpage relating to that standard. Or, it may occasionally mean that the plan to revise or adjust the apprenticeship has been paused or stopped.

We will aim to publish the next version of the report in late November 2024. This means elements of the current report will become out of date before the next version is published. Please note that the most up to date position relating to any apprenticeship can always be seen on the webpage relating to that apprenticeship.

Please contact the relevant IfATE product manager if you have any queries about a specific apprenticeship in the report. However, any more general enquiries relating to the delivery of apprenticeships should be directed to DfE or ESFA via this enquiries form.

If you have any suggestions as to how the report could be improved, please contact

Last updated 15 October 2024
(MG, NS)