This apprenticeship has been retired

This apprenticeship has been retired. Employers who wish to start new apprentices should consider using ST1418 Specialist community public health nurse (NMC 2022)

Overview of the role

Assessing the health needs of individuals, families, workplaces and the wider community.

Details of standard

This standard has options. Display duties and KSBs for:

Occupation summary

This occupation is found in the public, independent and private sectors. Health Visitors and School Nurses are employed in the NHS, Local Authorities, Community Interest Companies, Social Enterprises and Schools. Occupational Health Nurses are employed by any type of employer in the public, private and voluntary sectors.

The broad purpose of the occupation is to make sure that people are supported at different stages of their lives, ensuring that individuals have the best start in life and experience good health and wellbeing across the lifespan.  Specialist Community Public Health Nurses assess the health needs of individuals, families, workplaces and the wider community to promote and protect good health and wellbeing, prevent illness and provide interventions or advice.   They also support and enable people to make informed choices about how to manage health challenges in order to maximise their quality of life and improve health outcomes.  They also focus on deprivation, vulnerability and advocacy, and may work in challenging circumstances within adverse home and working conditions. This can mean working with adults or children in their own home, a healthcare setting or the workplace.  Specialist Community Public Health Nurses also contribute to safeguarding children and adults.

Specialist Community Public Health Nurses are made up of health visitors, school nurses and occupational health nurses as follows:

Health visitors work mainly with children, their families and communities. School nurses work with children, young people and their families, and are usually linked to a school or group of schools. Both these roles work across a range of settings that include health and education, providing a universal service between school, home and the community. In their daily work, health visitors and school nurses will interact with: Teachers, schools, children, parents, carers, General Practitioners, Social Workers, maternity and other health professionals and may work with the police and other legal staff where there are safeguarding concerns.  They will also interact with the children’s workforce in the local authority services, voluntary organisations, adult mental health, early years settings and a range of private and public sector services associated with children and young people.

- Occupational health nurses provide services across a wide range of environments and in any workplace/institution (e.g. construction sites, NHS).  They are involved in protecting health at work through risk management programmes, providing expert advice, and promoting health and wellbeing within the workforce in line with health and safety legislation and the public health agenda. In their daily work, occupational health nurses will interact with: Company employees, managers, human resource staff, health and safety and other professional advisers, trade unions and legal staff, site visitors, General Practitioners, other health professionals and Governing Bodies.

Specialist Community Public Health Nurses are responsible for their own work as an autonomous, independent practitioner, whilst leading and contributing to collaborative working with other health and care professionals. They will play a substantial educational, health coaching and advisory role to children and young people, their families and carers, employers, other health, care and education professionals, the public and communities.

Typical job titles include:

Health visitor Occupational health nurse School nurse Specialist community public health nurse

Entry requirements

It is a requirement of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) that those training to become a Specialist Community Public Health Nurse are already registered nurses on Part 1 of the NMC register or registered midwives.

Core occupation duties

Duty KSBs

Duty 1 Provide organisational, strategic and clinical leadership by working with a range of stakeholders

K1 K2 K3 K4

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5

Duty 2 Evaluate, develop and engage in health protection and promotion strategies and policies

K5 K6 K7 K8 K9

S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5

Duty 3 Engage in the development and promotion of evidence based practice and governance processes

K10 K11 K12 K13 K14 K15 K16

S17 S18 S19 S20 S21

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5

Duty 4 Work collaboratively with other professionals and teams to promote and protect the health and wellbeing of individuals, groups and communities

K17 K18 K19

S22 S23 S24 S25 S26 S27

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5

Duty 5 Assess the physical and mental health needs of individuals

K20 K21 K22 K23 K24 K25 K26

S28 S29 S30

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5

Option duties

Health Visitor and School Nurse duties

Duty KSBs

Duty 6 Collaboratively search for health needs amongst individuals, communities, schools and wider populations

K27 K28 K29 K30 K31 K32

S31 S32 S33 S34

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5

Duty 7 Raise awareness across communities, schools and individuals about issues that can impact on their health

K33 K34 K35 K36

S35 S36 S37 S38

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5

Duty 8 Influence policies affecting health to initiate change

K37 K38 K39 K40

S39 S40 S41 S42

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5

Duty 9 Enable the assessment, development and engagement of individuals and communities with health enhancing activities

K41 K42 K43

S43 S44 S45 S46 S47

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5

Occupational Health Nurse duties

Duty KSBs

Duty 10 Advise and lead on initiatives and programmes to reduce the adverse effect of work on health and wellbeing

K44 K45 K46 K47 K48 K49 K50 K51

S48 S49 S50 S51 S52 S53

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5

Duty 11 Advise on, establish and undertake Health Surveillance and Health Screening programmes in the workplace

K52 K53 K54

S54 S55 S56 S57 S58

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5

Duty 12 Advise employers and employees of legal and ethical requirements to protect workplace health

K55 K56 K57

S59 S60 S61

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5

Duty 13 Advise and lead on initiatives and programmes to reduce the effect of health issues on work

K58 K59 K60 K61 K62 K63

S62 S63 S64 S65 S66 S67 S68

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5

Duty 14 Promote the health benefits of good work and influence organisational health and productivity

K64 K65 K66 K67 K68 K69

S53 S69 S70 S71 S72 S73 S74

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5



K1: The principles of strategic and clinical leadership including working within the context of delegation and accountability, whilst taking into account the need for service improvement Back to Duty

K2: The relevant legislative requirements, local policies and governance within your scope of practice, including, but not limited to: health and safety at work, public health legislation and safeguarding of both children and vulnerable adults Back to Duty

K3: How to identify and share sensitive, complex and confidential information with relevant individuals, groups and stakeholders Back to Duty

K4: How to empower individuals, groups and populations to gain greater control over decisions and actions affecting their health and that of the community around them Back to Duty

K5: The factors that influence the health needs of individuals, groups and communities within your scope of practice Back to Duty

K6: The health promotion strategies that are directly related to the improvement of public health outcomes Back to Duty

K7: Local and national strategy and policy that supports the identification and care of vulnerable children and adults including safeguarding Back to Duty

K8: How to apply critical enquiry and analysis skills to a range of data Back to Duty

K9: The factors that affect health and wellbeing and how to affect change as a result Back to Duty

K10: The range of quantitative and qualitative research methodologies for use in public health and wellbeing Back to Duty

K11: How to lead and implement audits Back to Duty

K12: The roles and responsibilities of those involved in research, audit and clinical governance Back to Duty

K13: The range of legal, ethical, professional, financial and organisational policies and procedures that will apply to your research activities Back to Duty

K14: The impact of research on advancing public health and wellbeing Back to Duty

K15: The value of disseminating research to advance practice, and enhance the quality, safety, productivity and value for money of public health Back to Duty

K16: How to value service user experience and its influence on the development of local services Back to Duty

K17: The roles and responsibilities of multi-professionals and multi-professional teams Back to Duty

K18: The principles of effective collaboration, partnership and team working Back to Duty

K19: Specialist areas of practice as determined by service need Back to Duty

K20: The theory, legislation and ethical frameworks relating to informed consent and the use of relevant assessment tools Back to Duty

K21: Common physical and mental health concerns that may be identified within your service user population Back to Duty

K22: Pathways of referral and treatment relevant to your service user need Back to Duty

K23: How behaviour, culture, socioeconomic and other factors can affect health, illness, health outcomes Back to Duty

K24: How to plan and deliver complex services taking into account public health priorities Back to Duty

K25: The resources available to support individuals within your locality Back to Duty

K26: How to develop and run groups or establish networks to meet population need Back to Duty

K27: The wider determinants of health and wellbeing, and the impact they can have on individuals, communities and populations Back to Duty

K28: How to collect, analyse and interpret data on health and wellbeing from a wide range of sources to inform health surveillance and assessment Back to Duty

K29: Utilise the ways in which screening and monitoring programmes contribute to the public health agenda Back to Duty

K30: Normal and abnormal physical, emotional and mental health development including the risks factors that may impact on those under your professional care Back to Duty

K31: The principals for using evidence based assessment tools to assess vulnerability, risk and resilience factors in individuals, communities and populations Back to Duty

K32: How to determine a proportionate level of service support needed to achieve positive health outcomes Back to Duty

K33: How to develop evidence based strategies to increase the confidence and capacity of individuals, communities and populations to enable them to understand, participate and engage in actions which will help them improve their health outcomes to reduce the social gradient and health inequalities Back to Duty

K34: How to justify and communicate with individuals, communities and populations on relevant strategies to promote their health and wellbeing to influence and use available resources Back to Duty

K35: Diversity and how to support inclusion of individuals and groups within services, communities and populations and actively discourage discriminatory practice and behaviour Back to Duty

K36: Methods of evaluating sustainable and collaborative working Back to Duty

K37: The relevant national policies, research and legislation applicable to your scope of practice Back to Duty

K38: How to critically appraise research, policy and legislation and use the findings to influence change within your specialist area of practice Back to Duty

K39: How to identify, influence and develop interventions and services to reduce inequalities by working in partnership to plan, implement and evaluate health and wellbeing improvement programmes Back to Duty

K40: Health and safety legislation in relation to the role Back to Duty

K41: How to form, prioritise, maintain and disengage from therapeutic professional relationships with families, children and young people in a variety of situations Back to Duty

K42: Holistic approaches to assessment and service delivery taking into account a range of social and behavioural factors that impact on relationships across the life span Back to Duty

K43: The key transition points in a child or young person’s life, and how to liaise and engage with a range of individuals, including the family or young person to ensure a patient centred approach to care transitions Back to Duty

K44: The reciprocal effects of work on physical and psychological health Back to Duty

K45: The prevalence and types of occupational disease, work related ill health and injury Back to Duty

K46: Toxicology in relation to employee health and wellbeing Back to Duty

K47: Occupational hygiene methods used in the workplace Back to Duty

K48: Workplace health hazards such as ergonomic, physical, chemical, biological, psychosocial and mechanical and their effect on health and wellbeing Back to Duty

K49: The key detriments and health effects of work-related stress and common mental health issues such as stress, anxiety and depression that can arise from work systems and processes Back to Duty

K50: The prevalence and commercial implications to organisations of occupational disease, ill health and injury (and how to prevent these) Back to Duty

K51: The risk management framework Back to Duty

K52: The legal requirements for health surveillance and the method of health surveillance required for work tasks where a risk and/or a legal requirement has been identified Back to Duty

K53: The potential impact of workplace risks on the worker population including occupational hygiene issues such as control of emissions to air, water and land quality Back to Duty

K54: Methods of occupational illness monitoring, health surveillance and management (including occupational respiratory disease, noise induced hearing loss, effects of vibration, occupational dermatitis, workplace stressors) Back to Duty

K55: The legal and ethical requirements for the protection of workplace health and associated legislation and approved codes of practice (e.g. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974) Back to Duty

K56: Employment and specific workplace setting legislation (e.g. Equality Act, General Data Protection Regulation, Access to Medical Reports Act, Working Time Regulations, Employment Rights Act, Human Medicines Regulations 2012) Back to Duty

K57: The national drivers, public health and economic agenda in relation to work, health and wellbeing Back to Duty

K58: The bio-psychosocial model of health Back to Duty

K59: The relationship and inter-connectedness between mental and physical health Back to Duty

K60: How to access appropriate information on the incidence of long term conditions impacting on health and work performance and their management at work (e.g. hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal disorders, anxiety and depression and tuberculosis) Back to Duty

K61: Methods of fitness for work health assessment using specific workplace standards where they exist (e.g. back pain) Back to Duty

K62: The employment options for those with long term health conditions and/or disability Back to Duty

K63: Where to access additional advice Back to Duty

K64: The health benefits of work and a positive work culture including the associated complexities of the importance of organisational culture and employee engagement Back to Duty

K65: The effect of the changing nature of work and the multi-generational population on employment, workability, work performance and productivity Back to Duty

K66: The relationship between not working and health Back to Duty

K67: The effects of organisational change on health and wellbeing Back to Duty

K68: How to plan, deliver and evaluate occupational health services ethically and effectively to meet the requirements of the employer Back to Duty

K69: Methods of influencing and negotiation Back to Duty


S1: Develop, sustain and manage relationships collaboratively with those involved in the provision of care to individuals and local populations, whilst ensuring that resources are negotiated and employed ethically and effectively Back to Duty

S2: Engage with clients in a way that reflects professional curiosity, enquiry, integrity and proficiency to act in the best interests of individuals Back to Duty

S3: Demonstrate decision making and the delegation of areas of professional practice Back to Duty

S4: Manage and apply a risk based approach to identify those vulnerable to abuse and initiate appropriate action Back to Duty

S5: Collaborate with colleagues and other professionals in other agencies to ensure inclusion, maintain safety and minimise risk to vulnerable children and adults Back to Duty

S6: Communicate health information and legislation to others in a way that is factual, accurate and appropriately reflects the needs of the situation Back to Duty

S7: Identify, apply and evaluate specialised quality systems and risk management tools Back to Duty

S8: Contribute to the development of a culture of learning and development for individuals, communities and professional colleagues, including students to help them develop their professional confidence and competence Back to Duty

S9: Use critical evaluation skills for the design, implementation and review of health promotion strategies for individuals, groups and communities to meet identified needs Back to Duty

S10: Determine opportunities to promote preventative self-care in individuals, groups and communities Back to Duty

S11: Apply audit, research and change management skills to influence policy development, implementation and amendment within clinical practice in collaboration with others Back to Duty

S12: Use advanced communication skills with individuals, groups and communities to promote their health and wellbeing Back to Duty

S13: Determine, apply and evaluate advocacy skills to protect and promote health and wellbeing Back to Duty

S14: Apply and evaluate tools and procedures that support the care needs of vulnerable children and adults including safeguarding, abuse and violence Back to Duty

S15: Work in partnership to capitalise on organisational or community resources and assets that provide support for those in disadvantaged groups Back to Duty

S16: Influence public behaviours to improve physical and mental health and wellbeing through the promotion of local and national programmes e.g. immunisation, smoking and healthy eating campaigns Back to Duty

S17: Lead and engage in research activity and carry out statistical analysis Back to Duty

S18: Initiate and/or lead evidence-based activity that aims to enhance public health practice and contribute to the evidence base Back to Duty

S19: Critically appraise and synthesise the outcomes of research, evaluation and audit, and apply this within your own and others’ practice Back to Duty

S20: Disseminate outcomes of research through appropriate media to further advance public health practices Back to Duty

S21: Apply evidence based methods to collect, collate, monitor and analyse data relating to strategies and policies, local groups and services including user feedback and engagement forums Back to Duty

S22: Apply interpersonal and communication skills to engage with other professionals and teams Back to Duty

S23: Lead and actively participate in multi-professional meetings Back to Duty

S24: Influence and negotiate to achieve outcomes that will promote and protect the health and wellbeing of individuals, groups and communities Back to Duty

S25: Liaise with, and refer to, other professional personnel and agencies within your scope of practice Back to Duty

S26: Apply knowledge and skills of behaviour change within clinical interventions to promote engagement in health enhancing activities Back to Duty

S27: Plan service development using specialist skills and knowledge for public health protection and promotion Back to Duty

S28: Identify and address a range of social, physical and mental health conditions of people of all ages within your scope of practice Back to Duty

S29: Use appropriate assessment tools to support decision making related to informed consent, deprivation of liberty and the mental capacity process relevant to your scope of practice during health assessments Back to Duty

S30: Make shared decisions with your client group and the wider professional team to create a shared plan of care to meet the identified need including consideration of signposting to other services or groups Back to Duty

S31: Collect, appraise, utilise and appropriately communicate information relating to individuals, communities and populations Back to Duty

S32: Observe and interpret parent-infant, child and young person interaction and use evidence based interventions to support behaviours needed to build and maintain a positive parent/child relationship Back to Duty

S33: Assess and review situations over time to ensure that plans of care and programmes of work reflect the changing needs of individuals, communities and populations Back to Duty

S34: Develop and sustain relationships with individuals and communities to lead, deliver, review and evaluate scheduled screening, health surveillance, child and family health reviews Back to Duty

S35: Communicate and engage with individuals, communities and populations to enable them to understand and participate in actions which will help them improve their health outcomes and respond effectively to a range of health issues within the client base and service context Back to Duty

S36: Raise awareness, capacity and confidence about the public health actions that individuals, communities and populations can take to improve their health and social wellbeing at key stages of human development Back to Duty

S37: Work in a wide range of environments that are varied and challenging whilst recognising and embracing diversity and promoting an equitable service delivery for individuals, communities and populations, including vulnerable and hard to reach groups Back to Duty

S38: Evaluate effectiveness and sustainability of chosen interventions including collaborative working Back to Duty

S39: Identify, interpret and apply national and local research, policy and legislation in relation to your current scope of practice Back to Duty

S40: Appraise, influence and contribute to policies and recommend changes in collaboration with clients, communities, colleagues and wider stakeholders to initiate change Back to Duty

S41: Work with others to develop, plan, implement and evaluate evidence based programme and projects to improve health and wellbeing, and to improve service Back to Duty

S42: Identify, interpret and apply health and safety legislation and approved codes of practice with regard for the environment, wellbeing and protection of those working with the wider community Back to Duty

S43: Advocate person centred care through the development of a collaborative health needs assessment that demonstrates the voice of the child has been captured and professionals working with the families have been included Back to Duty

S44: Develop the capacity and confidence of individuals, communities and populations to influence and empower them to use available services and resources Back to Duty

S45: Lead and deliver preventative community based health projects with individuals, communities and populations across boundaries defined by services, professions and organisations Back to Duty

S46: Work in partnership with others to prevent and protect the public’s health and wellbeing from specific risks Back to Duty

S47: Utilise a range of resources, including technology, to provide specialist advice and information on health issues relevant to families, children and young people Back to Duty

S48: Advise employers and managers on the potential health effects of common chemical, physical and biological agents and ways to prevent and/or reduce the impact on health of employees Back to Duty

S49: Advise employers, managers and employees on the design of work tasks to prevent occupationally related injury such as repetitive strain injuries or musculoskeletal disorders Back to Duty

S50: Advise employers, managers and individual employees on the mental, emotional and physical effects of work-related stress Back to Duty

S51: Refer employers and managers to tools for preventing and managing work-related injury including stress management tools Back to Duty

S52: Carry out individual health risk assessment where work is thought to be a factor in employee ill health Back to Duty

S53: Influence a positive work culture Back to Duty

S54: Perform risk assessment to identify when health surveillance is required and what method of health surveillance should be used Back to Duty

S55: Recognise what specific health surveillance training is required and access the training as appropriate for their specific job role Back to Duty

S56: Advise employers about suitability for role and fitness for work following health surveillance assessments Back to Duty

S57: Collect, analyse and present data related to work related injury and ill health Back to Duty

S58: Advise employers and managers on the prevention and management of work related injury and ill health Back to Duty

S59: Interpret and apply a range of legislation, including data protection, employment law and health and safety legislation and advise employers accordingly Back to Duty

S60: Undertake safe and confidential professional practice in relation to data protection, diversity and inclusion, access to medical reports and safeguarding vulnerable adults Back to Duty

S61: Advise organisations on the national drivers, public health and economic agenda in relation to work, health and wellbeing and how to use information to improve practice Back to Duty

S62: Carry out a comprehensive functional assessment using a bio-psychosocial model Back to Duty

S63: Influence and facilitate individual health behaviour change to challenge barriers to health improvement Back to Duty

S64: Advise employees and the employer on health management and return to work programmes (including adjustments and modifications required) Back to Duty

S65: Advise employees and the employer on safe and healthy methods and patterns of working for those with long term health conditions Back to Duty

S66: Advise employers and managers on work capability Back to Duty

S67: Carry out a functional assessment of physical and mental wellbeing and, from the findings, assess work-ability Back to Duty

S68: Identify and support people with mental health issues and advise on reasonable adjustments for people with a learning disability Back to Duty

S69: Use public health data and organisational data to influence, lead and manage projects to improve employee health and wellbeing Back to Duty

S70: Advise organisations on the potential effects of the changing nature of work and the multi-generational population on employment, workability, work performance and productivity Back to Duty

S71: Promote the health benefits of good work Back to Duty

S72: Influence, affect and facilitate organisational change in relation to the approach to employee health and wellbeing Back to Duty

S73: Carry out occupational health service needs assessment and programme review to meet the evolving needs of the employer Back to Duty

S74: Identify, network, engage and collaborate with staff and stakeholders, and work with partners and other professionals to achieve effective working relationships and influence organisational and individual health and wellbeing Back to Duty


B1: Behave in accordance with the NMC Code Back to Duty

B2: Be professional and professionally curious Back to Duty

B3: Be self-reflective and aware Back to Duty

B4: Be open and flexible Back to Duty

B5: Be positive, resilient, proactive and influential Back to Duty


English and Maths

Apprentices without level 2 English and maths will need to achieve this level prior to taking the End-Point Assessment. For those with an education, health and care plan or a legacy statement, the apprenticeship’s English and maths minimum requirement is Entry Level 3. A British Sign Language (BSL) qualification is an alternative to the English qualification for those whose primary language is BSL.

Other mandatory qualifications

High Level Qualification

NMC Approved Qualifications. Specialist Community Public Health Nursing

Level: 7 (non-degree qualification)

Professional recognition

This standard aligns with the following professional recognition:

  • Nursing and Midwifery Council for Level 1 Registered Nurse

Additional details

Regulated standard

This is a regulated occupation.

Regulator body:

Nursing and Midwifery Council

Training provider must be approved by regulator body

Occupational Level:


Duration (months):



this apprenticeship will be reviewed in accordance with our change request policy.

Status: Retired
Level: 7
Degree: integrated degree
Reference: ST0697
Version: 1.1
Date updated: 02/10/2024
Route: Health and science
Typical duration to gateway: 18 months (this does not include EPA period)
Maximum funding: £12000
Options: Health Visitor and School Nurse, Occupational Health Nurse
Regulated standard:
This is a regulated occupation
Regulator body:Nursing and Midwifery Council
Training provider must be approved by regulator body
LARS Code: 520
EQA Provider: Office for Students
Employers involved in creating the standard: North Somerset Community Partnership, Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Whittington Health, Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust, Scothern Derbyshire Community Health Service Foundation Trust, Livewell Southwest, Croydon Health Services NHS Trust, Virgincare, Children and Family Health Surrey, Swindon Borough Council, Central London Community Healthcare, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Bristol Community Health, Skills for Health, NMC, RCN, University of the West of England, University of London, University of Salford and iHV member, Health Education England, Derby University, UNITE, Institute of Health Visitors, University of London

Version log

Version Change detail Earliest start date Latest start date
1.1 End-point assessment plan and funding band revised. 24/09/2021 02/10/2024
1.0 Retired 05/11/2019 31/08/2021

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