A temporary dispensation has been applied to the ST0225 end-point assessment plan version 1.1 for this apprenticeship.

The dispensation will last from 26/06/24 to 01/02/25 but may be withdrawn once dispensation is no longer necessary.

End-point assessment organisations (EPAOs) delivering EPAs for the apprenticeship will implement the dispensation as required, supported and monitored by the relevant EQA provider.

The key changes are:

Apprentices with an official start date between 21/09/22 – 31/12/22 are permitted to complete version 1.0 of this apprenticeship if that is what they have been registered on.

All learners with an official start date after the 31/12/22 must continue to be registered on version 1.1.

Please contact the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education via enquiries.ifa@education.gov.uk should you require any further clarity.

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Employers involved in creating the standard: Association of Professional Landscapers (APL), British Association of Landscape Industries (BALI), City of London, Continental Landscapes Ltd, English Heritage, Glendale Managed Services, Ground Control, Historic and Botanic Garden Training Programme, Holland Landscapes, Horticultural Trades Association (HTA), John O’Conner Grounds Maintenance, National Trust, idverde, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Royal Horticultural Society, Scarborough Borough Council, Wildlife Gardening Forum

Version log

Version Change detail Earliest start date Latest start date
1.1 Funding band, standard and end-point assessment plan revised 21/09/2022 Not set
1.0 Approved for delivery 27/06/2017 20/09/2022

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